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Writer's picturethe veggie sisters

Cinnamon Apple French Toast

Bonjour copains,

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend! I kicked my Sunday off with a nice late breakfast, which was a great start to my day. Did my greeting give away what I made for breakfast? That's right, I had some delicious French toast! A little bit of history for you, it is likely that French toast did not originate in France. Documents shows it has been around as early as 4th century Rome. The earliest documentation of the dish being called French toast is in 14 or 15th century England. Either way, I thought the French greeting would be a great way to introduce you to this recipe!

I really like sweet breakfast food, especially food that requires syrup (and not real maple syrup, but the rich, buttery, delicious stuff, like Mrs. Butterworth's). I haven't had French toast in a long time, so I thought now was a great opportunity to make it again. Personally, I think good French toast comes from good bread. The night before, my boyfriend and I went to a bakery and found some delicious cinnamon bread we thought would be perfect, and it did not disappoint. This is a pretty simple recipe, but it made a tasty breakfast. Let me share the recipe with you now!

Cinnamon Apple French Toast

Serves 2-3


  • Cinnamon Bread, sliced (the number of slices depends on the thickness of the bread)

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/3-1/2 cup almond milk

  • 2 tsp vanilla

  • 1 granny smith apple

  • Butter

  • Syrup as topping

Start by making the egg mixture. Whisk together the eggs, milk, and vanilla. You can add more milk if you prefer your mixture less eggy (if you eat french toast, you know what I mean).

Heat a griddle to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the griddle is hot, evenly spread some butter around the griddle until it is coated in a thin layer.

Take the bread slices and dredge them in the egg mixture. The longer you let the bread soak, the more egg mixture it will take up, and the eggy-er or mushier your french toast will be. Lay the bread on the griddle and let it cook until the bottom side is golden-brown. This will depend on how hot your griddle is and how thick the bread is. With the bread we used, it took about 4-5 minutes on the first side.

While the french toast is baking, take the apple and slice it very thinly.

By not cooking the apples, they add a bit of crunch, freshness, and acidity to the dish. However, big chunks of apple may make the french toast more difficult to eat, so by having very thin slices you gain the benefits of fresh apples without the hard bite of thick slices.

After the french toast is done on the first side, flip it over and cook until the next side is golden brown. It often takes a little less time on the second side.

Once the French toast is done, top it with the apple slices and syrup (if desired). Serve this warm with a nice glass of non-dairy milk on the side.

French toast is super versatile and can be made so many ways. This is a fast, super tasty recipe that is great for a quick morning breakfast. I hope you enjoy it, and have fun coming up with your own variations.

Au revoir,


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