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Writer's picturethe veggie sisters

Dorm-Friendly Breakfasts

As you may or may not know, I am currently a freshman in college. Along with the many positives of college-living, this also means that I have the pleasure of residing in the shared, cramped space known as a dorm room. Because of the limited space and resources I have in my dorm room, I have to be creative and efficient when it comes to cooking. As a breakfast lover, finding convenient yet still satisfying breakfast options proved a real challenge once I transitioned to dorm-living. I had to come to terms with simpler, more basic breakfasts, but I wanted to share some tips on how you can still eat foods you love even in a situation that's not necessarily ideal.

Yogurt and Granola! This is a classic breakfast I've enjoyed for years. I usually like to stock up on ingredients that last a long time without going bad, like granola for example. As for the yogurt, this is something that I will pick up in small quantities to avoid the formerly-expressed concern. This breakfast is also an option that minimizes the amount of dishes I need to wash, which is always a positive in my eyes.

Granola as Cereal! While this might be a pretty boring breakfast, using granola in place of cereal makes this a more filling and nutritious option for your morning. This is also helpful in repurposing other groceries, and therefore making the most of the little "pantry" space available in your dorm room.

Oats! Like I said earlier, most of the groceries in my room are foods that will last me a long time without going bad: In this case, rolled oats and peanut butter. Oatmeal is a super filling and customizable breakfast, as you can add things such as peanut butter, granola, fresh fruit, etc. This is a staple breakfast I'll enjoy even once I'm out of the dorm.

Avocado Toast! This is more of a treat breakfast, as I don't usually keep fresh fruits or veggies in my room as I don't go through them quickly enough. Every once in a while, however, I'll get an avocado or some fresh berries to mix up my every day breakfasts. Another tip I wanted to add onto this idea is to utilize your food halls to your advantage! If your university is like mine, each student has a set amount of money to use in the food halls, so I try to "grocery shop" in the food hall when I can, even though the options are limited. In this case, my food halls always have loaves of bread. Therefore, instead of buying a whole loaf of bread for myself, I will pick up a few pieces at a time so that I don't waste food or give it time to go bad.

I think that these dorm-friendly breakfast ideas show that with just a bit of creativity, you can make the most of any situation! It may not look the most glamorous, but it does the job pretty well if you ask me! I hope these tips are helpful to those of you that are in a similar situation.

Thanks for reading,


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